钱学骏博士任生物医学工程学院常任轨助理教授(Tenure-track Assistant Professor)、研究员、博士生导师,独立课题组组长(Principal Investigator, PI),智能多模态医学超声实验室(Intelligence Motivated Multimodal Ultrasound (IMMU) Lab)负责人。钱学骏博士于2019年在美国南加州大学(USC)获得生物医学工程博士学位,后获得AMI Research Fellowship进入南加州大学医学院从事博士后研究。
钱学骏博士入选国家级高层次人才计划青年项目,上海市高层次人才计划青年项目,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目等。担任中国医学装备协会多个分会委员、上海市超声医学工程学会仪器开发分会创始委员。任BME Frontiers、Bioengineering等期刊编委,曾获2022年度BME Frontiers最佳论文奖,2023世界人工智能大会青年优秀论文奖等。
钱学骏博士主要研究方向包含高分辨率医学超声成像技术、医学超声数据挖掘与智能辅助筛查与诊断等,至今已在国际权威期刊发表高水平研究论文30余篇,其中第一/通讯作者论文20余篇,包含Nature Biomedical Engineering(3篇)、Nature Communications、IEEE TMI/TBME/UFFC等,得到了国内外同行的高度认可。系列研究成果被Nature官方Research Briefing、美国科学促进会(AAAS)、Physics World、Applied Physics Letter News等评论报道。
BME 1307 Medical Image Processing
BME 2118 Biomedical Ultrasound
Editorial Board
Editor of BME Frontiers
Guest Editor of Bioengineering
Invited Reviewer
Nature Medicine、The Lancet Digital Health、Nature Communications、Science Advances、IEEE TIP/TBME/UFFC, et al.代表性论文:
(* 通讯作者corresponding author)
多模态融合人工智能技术 (Multimodal AI models)
X. Qian*, J. Pei, C. Han, ... & D. Shen. “A multimodal machine learning model for the stratification of breast cancer risk.” Nature Biomedical Engineering. (2024)
X. Qian*, J. Pei, H. Zheng, ... & K. Kirk Shung. “Prospective assessment of breast cancer risk from multimodal multiview ultrasound images via clinically applicable deep learning.” Nature Biomedical Engineering, 5, no.6, 522-532. (2021)
L. Yan, Z. Liang, H. Zhang, ... & X. Qian*. “A domain knowledge-based interpretable deep learning system for improving clinical breast ultrasound diagnosis.” Communications Medicine, 4, (1), 90. (2024)
高分辨率弹性成像(High resolution elastography imaging)
R. Li, X. Qian*, C. Gong, ... &, Q. Zhou*. “Simultaneous Assessment of the whole eye biomechanics using high frequency ultrasonic elastography.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 70, no.4, 1310-1317. (2022)
X. Qian, R. Li, G. Lu, ... & Q. Zhou*. “Ultrasonic elastography to assess biomechanical properties of the optic nerve head and peripapillary sclera of the eye.” Ultrasonics, 110, 106263. (2021)
X. Qian, T. Ma, C-C. Shih, ... &, Q. Zhou*. “Ultrasonic microelastography to assess biomechanical properties of the cornea.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 66, no.3, 647-655. (2018)
超分辨率微血管显微成像(Super-resolution microvasculature imaging)
X. Qian*, C. Huang, R. Li, ... &, Q. Zhou*. “Super-resolution ultrasound localization microscopy for visualization of the ocular blood flow.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 69, no.5, 1585-1594. (2021).
X. Qian*, H. Kang, R. Li, ... &, Q. Zhou*. “In vivo visualization of eye vasculature using super-resolution ultrasound microvessel imaging.” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 67, no.10, 2870-2880. (2020).
智能多模态医学超声实验室(IMMU Lab)通过结合超声的波动、力学效应以及机器学习和人工智能领域的最新理论和技术,利用工程信息学手段设计与开发新型“微尺度”“多功能”“智能化”医学超声,提升其对早期小尺度复杂结构病灶的精准诊疗能力,并将研究成果拓展到临床等工程应用中。