詹博士于上海交通大学获得本科和硕士学位,美国约翰霍普金斯大学 (Johns Hopkins University) 大学获得博士学位,在人工智能、机器学习和医学图像领域具有20多年研究经验。他在顶级国际期刊和会议 (IEEE TMI、MICCAI、IPMI等) 发表文章90余篇,被引用3000多次。已申请国际、国内发明专利110件,其中43件已获授权。
Yan, Z., Y. Zhan, Peng, Z., Liao, S., Shinagawa, Y., Zhang, S. Zhou. “Multi-instance deep learning: Discover discriminative local anatomies for bodypart recognition.” IEEE transactions on medical imaging, 35(5), 1332-1343.
S. Liao, Y. Zhan, Z. Dong, R. Yan, L. Gong, X. Zhou, M. Salganicoff, and J. Fei. “Automatic Lumbar Spondylolisthesis Measurement in CT Images.”, IEEE Trans Med Imaging. 2016 Jul;35(7):1658-69.
Y. Gao, Y. Zhan, D. Shen, “Incremental Learning With Selective Memory (ILSM): Towards Fast Prostate Localization for Image Guided Radiotherapy”. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 33(2): 518-534, 2014.
S. Zhang, Y. Zhan, D. N. Metaxas, “Deformable Segmentation via Sparse Representation and Dictionary Learning”, Medical Image Analysis, 16(7): 1385-1396, 2012.
Y. Zhan, M. Dewan, M. Harder, A. Krishnan, X. S. Zhou, “Robust Automatic Knee MR Slice Positioning Through Redundant and Hierarchical Anatomy Detection”. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 30(12): 2087-2100, Dec. 2011
Y. Zhan, D. Shen, J. Zeng, L. Sun, G. Fichtinger, J. Moul, C. Davatzikos, “Targeted Prostate Biopsy Using Statistical Image Analysis”, IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, 26(6):779-788, June 2007.
Y. Zhan and D. Shen , “Deformable Segmentation of 3-D Ultrasound Prostate Images Using Statistical Texture Matching Method”, IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, 25(3):245-255, March 2006.
Y. Zhan and D. Shen, An Adaptive Error Penalization Method for Training an Efficient and Generalized SVM, Pattern Recognition, 39(3):342-350, 2006.
D. Shen, Y. Zhan and C. Davatzikos, Segmentation of Prostate Boundaries from Ultrasound Images Using Statistical Shape Model, IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, 22(4):539-551, April 2003.