Kaicong Sun
Assistant Researcher
Research:Intelligent Medicine
Research Group:Prof. Dinggang Shen
Brief CV
Research Interests


Kaicong Sun received his B.S. degree at CDHAW from Tongji University and his M.S. and Ph.D. degree from Technical University of Berlin and University of Stuttgart, respectively. Dr. Sun is currently an assistant researcher (Prof. Dinggang Shen Group) in School of Biomedical Engineering, ShanghaiTech University. His current research interests include medical image processing and analysis.


Medical image processing and analysis, such as MRI reconstruction, super-resolution, image registration, and image synthesis.


  • K. Sun, S. Simon, Bilateral Spectrum Weighted Total Variation for Noisy-Image Super-Resolution and Image Denoising, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 69(11): 6329-6341, 2021.

  • K. Sun, M. Koch, Z. Wang, S. Jovanovic, H. Rabah, S. Simon, An FPGA-Based Recurrent Neural Network for Video Super-Resolution, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, online, pp.1-12, 2021.

  • K. Sun, S. Simon, FDRN: A Fast Deformable Registration Network for Medical Images, Medical Physics, 48(10), 6453-6463, 2021.

  • K. Sun, T. H. Tran, R. Krawtschenko, S. Simon, Multi-Frame Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on Poisson-Gaussian Model, Signal Processing: Image Communication, 82, 115736, 2020.

  • K. Sun, T. Tran, J. Guhathakurta, S. Simon, FL-MISR: Fast Large-Scale Multi-Image Super-Resolution for Computed Tomography Based on Multi-GPU Acceleration, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, online, pp.1-14, 2021.

  • T. Tran, K. Sun, S. Simon, A GPU-Accelerated Light-filed Super-resolution Framework Based on Mixed Noise Model and Weighted Regularization, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, pp.1-17, 2022.