Dr. Wang is a leading researcher in the field of medical image analysis. His research dedicates to fuse machine learning and artificial intelligence into medical image computing and informatics, for the sake of smart diagnosis and prognosis, individualized therapy planning and tracking, and translational medical studies.
He has joined the School of Biomedical Engineering of ShanghaiTech University since summer 2021. Before that, he completed his BS/MS degrees of electronic engineering in Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), and later PhD of computer science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). During 2013-2021, he founded and directed the Medical Image Computing (MIC) Lab in SJTU. He has published more than 150 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers. He is also the inventor of several patents, three of which are commercially licensed.
Cutting-edge computing methods, to tackle challenging problems in medical image analysis and informatics, such as image reconstruction, super-resolution, modeling and understanding.
Patient-oriented clinical applications, to transform new methods into the tools that can deliver high-quality healthcare service in real clinical scenario.